Multiple Real-World Web/App Development Opportunities!

Project scope
UI design UX design Website development Mobile app development Information technologySkills
calculators react.js (javascript library) ethical standards and conduct event planning home health care user experience (ux) android (operating system) apple ios web applications wordpressStudents have the choice of working on the Web/App development needs of any of the following projects for which we are either directly responsible, or part-owners:
- MyPanion: Ethical Home Healthcare - Better Access to Better Care. React(JS or Native) = iOS/Android/WebApp versions. The app is simple: Care Workers & Clients create profiles, are manually matched with & a GPS Tracking function & the app is complete.
- Crypto Calculator: The Big Leaf's Crypto Calculator is designed to add insight to the average investor. We have worked with a number of schools on this project already. It will be your job to: Help us Implement and Perfect or Improve it. WordPress integration.
- A basic Wordpress website for our sister company - High End Event Planning & Staffing
- Feedback Evolved: React (JS/Native) - Academic & Non Academic Feedback with Advanced Feedback platform. Existing Firm - lots of potential!
Web Development
UI/UX Development
App Development
They will have access to whatever they need to succeed!
About the company
The Big Leaf is hosting this project for it's sister organization, KnowQuest Inc.
KnowQuest Inc.: An advanced feedback company.
See for a pitch deck site (WordPress)
See for the actual feedback platform (MERN Stack)
Note that the .com does NOT reflect our current branding as it is in Alpha.
Note that the .net is closer to our branding it is just WordPress.
Both sites will be updated to reflect the branding YOU help create!