The DAWN of a NEW ERA for Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Harold Sokyrka
Academic experience
100 hours of work total
Intermediate level

Project scope

Lead generation Public relations Community engagement Environmental sustainability Social media marketing
net zero waste management sorting patents


Kwik BagIt has been committed to reducing unnecessary plastics that are plugging up our landfills since 2018 when Harold Sokyrka (Founder and CEO) invented the Patent Pending “Kwik BagIt – Yard Pal” which is a portable bag holder that was designed to be able to adjust to washable, reusable bags which are used to collect compostable yard debris and recycling bags for cans and bottles. The Federal and Provincial Environment Ministers (CCME) created the Canada Wide Action Plan on Zero Plastic Waste with a goal to be Net Zero Plastic by 2025. Unfortunately, despite the goals and objectives, they have accomplished very little – with exception of the plan to ban plastic straws and utensils that will not come into effect in 2022. Conclusion: Bureaucracy tends to have high goal initiatives - with limited success. Easy to "talk the talk" but can't "walk the talk".

Further to this, the Blue Bin method currently being used by homeowners is failing - due to the lack of education that is neglected by the MRF (Multi Recycling Facilities) or Curbside Recycling Collectors and after all of the expense and carbon footprint created picking up these bins, sorting through tons of “recyclables”, they have (on average) a dismal 10% retrieval rate for the collection of recovered plastics, glass, and metals, which are supposed to be sent on to processors who specialize in turning these items into reusable products.

The main reasons for such poor retrieval rates are due to Contamination and Co-mingling of materials, but also because MRFs ignored the importance of explaining "What Goes Where and Why”. Prior to 2018, they were sending container loads of "recycled materials" to China and were getting paid very well for these practices. Once China realized that they were receiving contaminated hazardous materials, that were impossible to sort into reusable items, they STOPPED accepting shipments into China and Malaysia.

For the past 3 years, Sokyrka has studied the failures of MRF and Municipalities and collectors and has developed a “Fresh NEW Approach to Proper Recycling. He has submitted a new Patent Pending Application that will actually compensate the members who partake in the new “Kwik BagIt Closed-Loop Rewards Recycling System” which is about to be launched. See how the “System” works:!AhnLB0riKBcRtyy420dOgCnGgMCR?e=OHIX41

He firmly believes that "Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices -Start at the SOURCE - in Our HOMES - and NOT at the End of a CONVEYOR BELT”. He is convinced that the "System” is the answer to solving the many problems.

Currently, preliminary results of the "System" are retaining a rate of better than 90% of uncontaminated and non-co-mingled materials that once collected, go directly to the processors who specialize solely in the 7 different types of international plastics, glass, and metals that every household dispose of on a daily basis.

This “Fresh New Approach” will reward the households, but also non-profit community organizations and the colleges who are members of the "System" for changing their recycling habits. This link will demonstrate how the system works:!AnGneiaFTCwNeACoBk2yWqN0SM8

Since there is an intrinsic monetary value for the materials collected, these items will be sold directly to the re-processors, this will result in a profit to the community organizations, the universities, and non-profit groups, where they can recoup the expenses normally paid to MRF and Waste and Recycling Companies.

Kwik BagIt will conduct 6-8 "Pilot Projects" in Australia and New Zealand

No deliverables exist for this project.

Each Student will meet 2 times per week on Zoom with the Supervisor to review targeted categories of Social Media contacts

Daily reporting with Team Leader who will work closely with each student to update Google Sheets.

Weekly group meet on ZOOM to discuss each students progress.

About the company

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Sales, Government, Environment, Marketing & advertising, Consumer goods & services

“Our Mission” encourages the use of washable/reusable and recyclable poly-cloth bags which are breathable and have leak-proof bottoms and will hold 3 x the volume as the traditional single-use oil-based plastic bags. These improvements result in fewer trips to the recycling depots, and the dramatic reduction of plastic bags that are being sent to municipal landfills. The products can be seen on our e-commerce website: We also have developed the Patent Pending Bag Holder that uses telescopic rails and legs that can adjust to fit any size or type of bag. We are reaching out to students and municipalities across Canada to introduce the "Kwik BagIt Closed-Loop Rewards Recycling System". The concept can be viewed at Students who excel with this Pilot Project will be considered for full/part-time contracts to be conducted in their home area.