Experience More Students Available for Virtual Projects

Experience scope
Accounting Communications Project management Market expansion Product or service launchSkills
crictical thinking resilience leadership problem-solving teamworkThe Experience More Initiative at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) is seeking virtual proposals for several multi-week projects from a variety of organizations. Students in the Experience More Initiative are seeking real-world projects to work on while attending TRU. Organizations need only to present their real-world problems to solve and groups of students or individual students. Students will select the projects to work on from January 2022 to April 2022 to gain an experiential learning opportunity related to their field of study.
Bring teams of one or two students from Thompson Rivers University to work with you on a project-based experience. Students are available up to 5 hours per week for the experience from January 2022 to April, 2022 Students are in a mixed program cohort from a variety of TRU's academic programs
Deliverables will vary depending on the scope of the project. The student should complete a minimum of 40 hours with your organization by April 1st, 2022
Typical final project deliverables could include:
- White paper analysis with recommendations
- Final project report
- Project plans
- Completed data sets for unique project goals
- Final presentations and supporting documents, manuals, etc.
Project Examples
Students in Experience More Initiative come from a variety of educational backgrounds and can complete a substantial project for your organization over the course of the Winter 2022 semester January-April
Due to the variety of student educational backgrounds, project examples that students can complete may include, but are not limited to:
(1) Market Research:
• Research a target market segment and/or consumer base for insights into best practices and marketing potential.
• Great for: start-ups, tech, finance, quite literally any type of company!
(2) Business Development Planning:
• Develop a project plan to identify an aspect of your organizations current practices
• Great for: early-stage start-ups, nonprofits, customer-centric companies, etc.
(3) Data Analytics:
• Compiling, cleaning, processing, warehousing, etc. of any type of data relevant to your operations and your goals.
(4) Natural Resources/Biology/Environmental Studies)
(5) Humanities-Social Science Projects
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience: