Catherine Tatarniuk
Assistant Teaching Professor
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

I am an Assistant Teaching Professor at Thompson Rivers University. I teach the following subjects in Engineering: Project Management, Economics, Health & Safety and First Year Design. I am looking for experiential learning opportunities for my students in order to better connect theory and knowledge to real-world situations.

Accounting Data analysis Operations Project management


Latest feedback

I do not have any feedback yet

Recent experiences

Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Economics - Company Business Plan

ENGR 2400

Feb 5, 2023 - Apr 2, 2023

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Thompson Rivers University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students are second year undergraduates. Students in this program are able to write a business plan specific to the needs of the organization.

Matches 0
Category Sales strategy + 4
Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Health & Safety Plan or Program (Engineering Health & Safety)

ENGR 2200

Sep 13, 2021 - Dec 4, 2021

Does your project or company need a health & safety plan or program? Students in this course learn the concepts behind hazards and their control, safety laws and regulations, as well as safety analyses, planning, and safety and risk management. A key learning outcome for this course is to develop a safety plan.

Matches 0
Category Human resources - general + 4
Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Engineering Project Economics Consultancy

ENGR 2400

Jan 10, 2021 - Apr 15, 2021

Do you have an engineering project? Would you like to conduct an analysis of the project's economics? In this project, student-consultants working in teams will bring with their knowledge on concepts of engineering economics to be able to evaluate your organization's project from a financial perspective that is needed in the decision making process. Students will focus on various financial and analytical techniques such as cash flow analysis, comparison methods, time value, capital management, inflation, sensitivity and risk analysis. The students will develop a report and presentation for your organization upon completion of the project.

Matches 1
Category Engineering - general + 3